Check the best sailing routes around Hotel Van der Valk Leeuwarden. Head for the picturesque villages of Wirdum and Wergea or set course to the vibrant city center of  Leeuwarden. 

Sailing routes around Hotel Van der Valk Leeuwarden

(Please note! You are responsible to return your boat in time. Most of the time he next group will start their boat trip right after you. So please keep an eye on your watch!)

For a short tour (4 hours) it is a great choice to go south and visit the tiny villages of Wirdum, Domgier and Wergea. When you got some more time (at least 5 hours) you should definitely explore the historical canals of Leeuwarden city on a longer boat trip.

Hereunder you will find some nice sailing routes around Hotel Van der Valk Leeuwarden. Use the upper-left menu for more information about the particular trips.

“Nobody there to check back with in order to start the boat which is very convinient in order to directly get going. No license required and when shared with couple ppl not expensive. The best thing its electric no pollution happening ;)”



When you got time for a longer ride then it’s definitely a strong recommendation to set course to the city center of Leeuwarden. Sail through most beautiful nature area’s to reach the lovely city center with it’s historical canals and iconic architecture.